It's autumn as you can see from the bouquet above - time to reassess, move forward, change direction, start anew. For me, it's time to take a hiatus from this blog. But not without thanking readers and advertisers and commenters, all of whom have encouraged, supported, challenged, and inspired me over the nearly five years of writing my blog.
I've written nearly a thousand posts, received nearly 3,000 comments, and I won't even begin to think about how many photos I've taken to come up with the ones I shared here on the blog. At some times during the year, mostly early spring and mid-fall, Plant Talk received more than 40,000 hits a month...that was the encouraging well as having many of the very best nurseries in the Northwest advertise right here...
But the world of blogs is changing as Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook - and probably several more that I know even less about - take their place. And there are just too many blogs! I think the future of blogs lies with a collective voice, blogs that several or more authors contribute to, with a particular point of view or aesthetic - like my favorite one, Gardenista, for which I've written, and hope to write more for.
But more than that, I plan to concentrate on writing for Pacific Northwest magazine in the Seattle Times (lots of great garden stories coming up in 2015), for Garden Design magazine (I'll be reviewing books for them) and I have a story coming up in Dwell next year. I'll continue to interview authors for my "Book City" column in Crosscut (an interview with Dan Savage coming up later this month...) That and running a yoga studio in Langley and teaching four classes a week is where I need to direct my energies. For now.
Many thanks - you've made blogging a creative, interactive endeavor and for that I'm grateful..It was fun....
An especially inspired arrangement in farewell. It sounds like your plate will still be full enough. Yes, blogging is a considerable commitment!Bye!
Posted by: Daria W | September 12, 2014 at 09:39 PM
Thank you for all of your blogging, Val. I'll look forward to your upcoming articles. I'm super happy to hear you're working on an article for Dwell!
Posted by: Lauren Hall-Behrens | September 12, 2014 at 03:26 PM
Thank you for keeping me connected to the PNW since my move away four years ago. You have been a great inspiration.
Posted by: K. Abrashi | September 12, 2014 at 10:24 AM
Oh, Val! I have so enjoyed your blog. While I have a looooong list of garden blogs to check, many get a visit only every few weeks. But, yours has been on my favorites bar, so I could check every few days. I'll miss your thoughts in this venue, but look forward to reading you in other places. Thanks for continuing to write, and sharing your perspective. Best to you!
Posted by: Maria Carlos | September 10, 2014 at 09:56 PM
Thanks, Val, and best of luck on all your new endeavors! Thank goodness you'll ne writing still for PNW magazine--it's the only reason I keep reading then Sunday newspaper.
Posted by: Ruth | September 10, 2014 at 09:54 PM
Just wanted to thank you for the part you have unknowingly played in my genesis as a PNW gardener. When in 2009, I found I was moving to Seattle, I started to prepare myself for gardening in a whole new zone, with unfamiliar plants, different soils - all a bit daunting. But you made my transition so much easier. I read your every blog post religiously and have continued. Much of my gardening success here is because you were so informative and inspirational. Heartfelt thanks.
Posted by: Jan | September 10, 2014 at 09:29 PM
I know I am not alone in saying how much I will miss your posts. You are an artist with plants, words and flowers!
Posted by: Ruth Armitage | September 10, 2014 at 09:00 PM
I'll miss your beautiful bouquets. I've gotten some great ideas for my own from you. Good luck in all your endeavors.
Posted by: Linda Meredith | September 10, 2014 at 08:38 PM
Have so enjoyed, though I find myself typically responding on Facebook! For now, we will enjoy following you down your many paths. Thank you!
Posted by: Sue | September 10, 2014 at 04:31 PM
Thank you Valerie. I love this parting bouquet. Blessings on all your endeavors. See you in yoga sometime.
Posted by: Suzanne | September 10, 2014 at 03:22 PM